Fertilisers are not known for their environmentally- friendly accolades as they do contain a carbon emission overhead from the manufacturing processes, to the raw material sourcing. Our principles of supplying only what you need is a major plus side for the industry's carbon footprint, as there is no wasted product. Everything that we send to you is used on your lawn.
Another environmental factor that we are considering is the impact of applying too many nutrients, that could find themselves leeching into nearby water sources during periods of heavy rainfall. This is a factor that 'off-the-shelf' fertiliser suppliers rarely speak of, but as we provide the year-round plan - we are taking this into consideration for you. If you decide to increase your dosage for any reason, we kindly request that you consider this factor and check your local environment regulations with regards to application rates.
The majority of the treatments we supply are slow-release too. This means that the nutrients are gradually released, which makes leeching and run-off less-likely that fast release fertilisers