Lawn Care Plan application rates explained...

A common question that we get is why the amount of fertiliser supplied is less than the application rates shown on the packaging.  There are multiple reasons why this is the case, and we'll go into each of them below.  

Environmental variations

Every single customer lawn that our lawn care plans cover are different in one way or another.  Our plans are designed to provide all the nutrients that your lawn needs over the course of a year using a formula that calculates the tolerance per square metre.  Some soil structures are extremely good at locking in the nutrients, whereas others are susceptible to leaching the nutrients away.


Running a specific soil test on every single customer's lawn would be extremely expensive and time consuming, so there is an element of generalisation applied across all plans and therefore may need some tweaking for some customers.

Packaging application rates

The rates shown on the packaging is generally for one-time applications, when purchased individually and not used in conjunction with the neighbouring treatments provided by the lawn care plans.  It is worth noting that the lawn sizes on lawn plan purchase pages are related to a KG value in the background.  For example, 0-50sqm is 1KG product, 50-85 is 2KG, 85-115 is 3KG and so on; so the amount you pay is related to the amount of product you are receiving in each treatment.


If you believe that your lawn is not quite seeing the expected benefits, it might be due to some of the environmental factors mentioned in this article and therefore, you may wish to increase your dosage by moving up to the next size bracket.  Drop an email to if you'd like to increase your dosage.

Lawn area ranges

If you are at the top end of a range, for example, your lawn is  84sqm and you chose the 50-85sqm bracket, you may wish to jump up into the next range which would be 85-115sqm.  That would give you an extra packet of treatment and ensure you get a stronger application rate.  These are one of the generalisations that we have to make to keep the subscribing process as simple as possible, but the tolerances would allow you to jump up into the next range without having any negative impact.

As environmentally friendly as possible

Fertilisers are not known for their environmentally- friendly accolades as they do contain a carbon emission overhead from the manufacturing processes, to the raw material sourcing.  Our principles of supplying only what you need is a major plus side for the industry's carbon footprint, as there is no wasted product.  Everything that we send to you is used on your lawn.


Another environmental factor that we are considering is the impact of applying too many nutrients, that could find themselves leeching into nearby water sources during periods of heavy rainfall.  This is a factor that 'off-the-shelf' fertiliser suppliers rarely speak of, but as we provide the year-round plan - we are taking this into consideration for you.  If you decide to increase your dosage for any reason, we kindly request that you consider this factor and check your local environment regulations with regards to application rates.


The majority of the treatments we supply are slow-release too.  This means that the nutrients are gradually released, which makes leeching and run-off less-likely that fast release fertilisers

Treatment overlap

Sometimes our customers are not always able to apply the fertiliser at the time that it is sent out.  Delays in applying the fertiliser can result in overlap of nutrients being applied to the lawn for a period when the next treatment is applied.  The logic we apply to our application rates take this into consideration too.  This is to protect our customer lawns from damage or extreme / unmanageable growth.  


Another example of overfeeding would be when too much Nitrogen is applied.  This can cause too much top growth, which in turn generates a lot of 'thatch'; too much thatch can lead to disease and prevent the sunlight / nutrients getting to the ground.


Hopefully the information on this page has helped to understand the logic that Mowd apply to subscription treatment volumes and shows how we are considering both the environmental impact of fertiliser supply and protecting our valued customer lawns from any negative impact, while making the service as simple and reducing financial implications of overbuying treatment volumes that are not needed.   


If you have any questions, please do reach out to us on our support email: